Latin Name : Pica pica
Family : Corvidae
Size : 45 centimeters
Male and Female : The stomach and scapulars are white as well as a part of primarys.
The rest is black with blue reflections, green and violet especially to the tail which is very long. The size is 20 to 25
Behavior : It's attracted by brilliant objects that it "steals" to bring them in its nest. Her
flight is typical, alternating the irregular beats of the wings and the brief gliding. The magpie is often in small group. It's
a sociable character. It feeds of fruits, seeds, larvas, insects, eggs, fledglings and hurted birds, small animals, pieces
of meat. Magpies came on my windowsill, I had placed some fat of ham and small pieces of meat.
Habitat : The magpie researches the vicinity of the man. It lives often near villages,
parks of cities. The nest is formed with a small dish of furnished mud of fine branches. It's built in a great tree,
preference practically to the summit.
Place of plug of the photos : My windowsill, my garden and the meadow near my house.
Photos and sounds : Alain Hausknecht
The moment of the laying is the month of April and May.